


"With Malice: Lee Harvey Oswald And The Murder Of Officer J.D. Tippit", penned by Emmy-winning animator and noted JFK assassination expert Dale K. Myers, is 702 pages of microscopic detail focusing on the "other" murder that took place in Dallas, Texas, on November 22, 1963, when Patrolman Tippit was gunned down 44 minutes after President John F. Kennedy was assassinated.

Right from the first few pages, the level of painstaking detail poured into this publication is readily apparent. Author Myers leaves no room here for even the slimmest sliver of doubt with regard to the question at hand: Who Killed Officer Tippit?

The answer to that inquiry is crystal-clear to anyone opening this book -- Lee Harvey Oswald, without any question, shot and killed Dallas policeman J.D. Tippit. All the evidence, every scrap of which is dissected within these pages, leads inexorably to Oswald's lone guilt in this often-overlooked "second" murder on the day of JFK's tragic death.

And while Mr. Myers doesn't dig into the details of President Kennedy's murder in this volume, there is still very solid evidence to link Oswald to both Tippit's killing and the President's assassination. From all the available evidence, it's fairly obvious that Lee Oswald was the lone killer of both JFK and Officer Tippit on 11/22/63.

"With Malice", which was published in 1998, is very nearly a minute-to-minute account of the events in Dallas, beginning just moments after President Kennedy was shot in Dealey Plaza. This book reads like a riveting crime novel, unfolding in tension-filled chronological fashion as told by the author, along with many verbatim quotes from the real-life players in the drama, with many of these participants' observations being put in print for the first time ever.

In addition to Myers' easy-to-read text and witness quotations, he supplies many animated maps of the shooting scene and surrounding areas where Oswald is known to have fled on foot.

These maps (which have a kind of "3-D" quality to them) are extremely well-done and informative, supplying the reader an added level of understanding and perspective with regard to the killing of Officer Tippit. The maps and diagrams in the book lay out exactly where everyone and everything was located from a simulated "elevated" point-of-view.

Myers also utilizes tons of stock photographs (plus some I've never seen published anywhere else but here), along with transcripts from the Dallas police radio transmissions, to tell still more of the story.

There were literally more than one dozen eyewitnesses closely associated with the events surrounding Officer Tippit's murder:

1.) Helen Markham
2.) Domingo Benavides
3.) Jack Tatum
4.) William Scoggins

The above four individuals were all very near the scene of the murder (10th & Patton in Dallas) and either saw Oswald kill Tippit directly -- or: they heard the shots, saw Tippit fall to the ground, and then all of them saw a man carrying a gun (who they all later IDed as Lee Oswald or someone who looked very much like Oswald) fleeing the area right next to Tippit's squad car. (And saw NO OTHER GUN-WIELDING KILLERS on 10th Street who could have possibly been responsible for J.D. Tippit's death.)

Markham saw the whole shooting unfold as she stood on the corner of 10th & Patton. While Scoggins, Tatum, and Benavides all saw portions of the actual shooting.

Cab driver Scoggins heard shots and saw smoke from the gun, but did not see the gunman actually squeeze off the shots. But anyone who argues that he's not a good "Oswald Did It" witness is just dead wrong -- because of what he saw just seconds later. He saw a man (later positively IDed as Oswald) walking rapidly toward his (Scoggins') taxicab with gun in hand.

So, unless the REAL (non-LHO) murderer vanished into a puff of smoke after plugging Officer Tippit, then Oswald is guilty. Period.

Tatum (like Markham) actually DID see Oswald pull the trigger. Tatum's car was in the middle of the 10th & Patton intersection and Tatum (in 1978) provided additional insight into the gruesome last shot that was fired by the gunman (later identified as Oswald) point-blank into the head of Officer Tippit as Tippit lay dying near his squad car.

5.) Ted Callaway
6.) Barbara J. Davis
7.) Virginia Davis
8.) Warren Reynolds
9.) B.M. "Pat" Patterson
10.) L.J. Lewis
11.) Harold Russell
12.) B.D. Searcy
13.) Sam Guinyard

The above nine people didn't see the actual bullets strike Tippit from Oswald's gun -- but: they all saw a man who looked like Oswald running away from the direction of 10th & Patton WITH A REVOLVER IN HAND (with several of the above witnesses observing Oswald re-loading said weapon while fleeing the scene).

Could Oswald possibly have been innocent of the Tippit murder when it was proven beyond all reasonable doubt that Oswald's very own gun -- which he had on him when arrested in the Texas Theater -- was the gun that was used to kill Officer Tippit (based on shell casings found at the scene that positively came out of Oswald's own revolver) .... AND when every one of the above individuals identified Oswald (or someone very closely resembling him) as the man each of them saw either shoot Tippit dead, or: as the ONLY PERSON RUNNING FROM THE SCENE OF THE CRIME WHILE BRANDISHING A GUN AND EJECTING SHELLS AND RE-LOADING A GUN ALONG THE WAY?

I'll answer that question unwaveringly -- No way. No how.

To believe that Oswald was innocent of killing Officer Tippit, we would have to believe that Oswald just happened to be very near the Tippit murder site with a gun in his pants just half-an-hour after SOMEBODY ELSE (who just happened to look exactly like Lee Harvey Oswald) decided to kill J.D. Tippit.

And -- In addition to that coincidence, we'd also have to believe that Oswald (somehow, some way) managed to have the EXACT gun on his personage that was verifiably used to kill Tippit, even though, via this preposterous theory, HE himself didn't use it to murder Tippit.

Odds please?

In short, Lee Oswald's guilt in the murder of J.D. Tippit is not just beyond any reasonable doubt, it is beyond ALL doubt whatsoever. Given the truckload of O.J. Simpson-like evidence against him, Oswald cannot possibly be innocent. And Mr. Myers, in this thoroughly researched volume, makes Oswald's guilt abundantly clear.

To borrow and paraphrase a little bit of prosecutorial Final Summation-like dialogue from my all-time favorite author and lawyer, Vincent Bugliosi (which Vince used with regard to another obviously guilty double murderer -- O.J. Simpson -- whom many people ridiculously feel is innocent despite the barrels-full of evidence to the contrary) ----

Lee Harvey Oswald is as guilty as sin of murdering Dallas Police Officer J.D. Tippit in 1963, and there's NOTHING anybody can do about it. We can safely say, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, that if Lee Oswald is NOT guilty of brutally and savagely murdering Officer Tippit -- then J.D. Tippit is still among the living. Because, ladies and gentlemen, given the evidence that rests before us in this case, NOBODY else on Earth could possibly have committed this murder other than the one person who has, alone, been charged with this crime -- Lee Harvey Oswald!

So, if you're interested in knowing what really happened on Tenth Street in Dallas, Texas, on the afternoon of Friday, November 22, 1963 -- in fascinating detail -- then it is essential to snap up a copy of this all-inclusive, comprehensive book by Dale K. Myers.



  • In the months following the murder, generous friends and citizens donated more than $600,000 to the widow and family of slain Officer Tippit. The largest single donation ($25,000) was given by Abraham Zapruder, the man who became famous by filming JFK's assassination less than one hour before Tippit was murdered.
  • When killed, J.D. Tippit was the father of three children -- Charles Allen, Brenda Kay, and Curtis Glenn.
  • J.D. was just 39 years old when his life was cut short so abruptly. Born: September 18, 1924.
  • Officer Tippit was an 11-year veteran of the Dallas Police Department, joining the force on July 28, 1952.
  • Tippit's badge number was "848".







FOOTNOTE --- Dale Myers' expertise surrounding the John F. Kennedy assassination does not begin and end with the J.D. Tippit murder. He also worked for many years developing a detailed computer program which re-creates the President's murder in lifelike detail in animation form. Myers' work in the field of three-dimensional computer animation, analysis, and re-creations is stunning and very impressive in scope.

Dale spent more than six months creating an exacting computer model of Dallas' Dealey Plaza (where President Kennedy was killed), and also created detailed scale models (via computerization) of JFK's Presidential limousine and the Texas School Book Depository, the building from where assassin Lee Harvey Oswald murdered President Kennedy.

In re-creating the President's 1961 Lincoln Continental limousine for his computer animation project, Myers utilized the original body draft from The Hess & Eisenhardt Co., in order to get the car's dimensions just perfect for his animated re-construction.

Plus, Mr. Myers used detailed blueprints of the Book Depository Building to aid in constructing his computer model of the TSBD as accurately as available info will allow. (That portion of Dale's model took three months to create.)

In addition, Dale evaluated many different films and photographs taken on 11/22/63, in order to cross-reference the position of certain things that are visible in Abraham Zapruder's famous motion-picture film of the assassination.

And after all that extremely detailed prep work, Myers' computer model of the limousine was "synched" (or "Key Framed") to precisely match the Zapruder Film's images of the actual assassination.

What resulted was an amazingly accurate computer-model version of JFK's murder, which is a model that indicates (beyond virtually all doubt) that the "Single-Bullet Theory" is most certainly the correct version of events to explain the wounding of JFK and Governor John Connally.

Depicted below are several sample images from Dale Myers' 3D computer animation project, "Secrets Of A Homicide: JFK Assassination" (Copyright ©1995-2008 Dale K. Myers. All rights reserved):

In 1995, Dale Myers issued an 11-minute video entitled "Secrets Of A Homicide: JFK Assassination", which represented the "Video Research Edition" of his computer animation project.

That project has now blossomed into an even more-detailed and refined computer animation program, portions of which were broadcast on the ABC-TV documentary "Peter Jennings Reporting: The Kennedy Assassination -- Beyond Conspiracy", which first aired on November 20, 2003, just prior to the 40th anniversary of JFK's death.

That ABC program, which can be seen in its entirety HERE, won the Edward R. Murrow Award for "Best News Documentary of 2003". It's an outstanding documentary, and in my opinion should be viewed by anyone interested in the JFK assassination.

David Von Pein
April 2005
September 2005
May 2010






Below are some Dale Myers'-related weblinks, including his excellent website fully explaining the animation work he has done with respect to the JFK case. That site also contains a very interesting forthright FAQ section, wherein Mr. Myers answers all kinds of questions (asked by some of his detractors) pertaining to his computer work relating to the assassination:






